Wait-Time and Multiple Representation Levels in Chemistry Lessons

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Winnie Sim Siew Li
Mohammad Yusof Arshad


Wait-time is an important aspect in a teaching and learning process, especially
after the teacher has posed questions to students, as it is one of the factors in
determining quality of students’ responses. This article describes the practices of
wait-time one after teacher’s questions at multiple representation levels among
twenty three chemistry teachers at secondary schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
and the sequences after the wait-time one practices. The study was conducted
over eight months using observation as the main method of data collection.
Observations were made twice for each respondent by using the Observation
Instrument in Inquiry Teaching through Verbal Interaction (OIITVI). Forty six
observations were audio and video recorded. Findings showed that only 6.80% of
total questions at multiple representation levels were followed by wait-time one.
This result showed that teachers lacked practise of wait-time. Three top
sequences after wait-time one were teacher giving instruction, student’s answer
at macroscopic level and teacher’s questions at macroscopic level. In conclusion,
chemistry teachers should practise wait-time one to improve the quality of
teaching and learning of chemistry.


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