A User-Centric CPTED-Based Approach to Investigate Physical Environmental Variables Influencing Perceived Security of Urban Park Users in Tiruchirappalli, India

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Dherya Mehta
Padmanaban Gopalakrishnan


The link between Fear of Crime (FC) and physical environment and crime levels is referred to as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). However, FC, irrespective of the level of crime through physical environmental features, can hinder people's access to urban parks. This study is a novel attempt to evaluate the Perceived Security (PS) related to fear of (theft, robbery) crime under the CPTED classification by assessing actual users' perceptions of multiple physical environmental variables within and around fifteen Tiruchirappalli urban parks. The objectively measured CPTED variables were documented through observations and measurements by the authors, whereas subjectively measured ones were assessed using actual users’ (n=524) perceptions. The results majorly highlight the significance of park design and landscape-based surveillance and park facilities and landscape-based maintenance variables towards predicting PS. The findings from this study can aid policymakers, park designers, and managers in adopting strategies that can enhance the PS of users, prioritise interventions, and engage residents in addressing specific design considerations.


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