Passive Cooling in Indonesian Traditional Dwellings and Its Relationship with Geographical Location

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Zuber Angkasa
Erfan M. Kamil


As efforts to maximize passive cooling for building cooling are growing, attention to traditional architecture is also increasing. Traditional houses have the potential to provide a variety of passive cooling solutions needed as a solution to the environmental impact of active cooling on urban heat islands and global warming. Indonesia is a country with huge cultural diversity. Each region has traditional houses that are proud and cared for. Despite the growing importance of traditional houses as a source of passive cooling design, the number of studies exploring passive cooling in traditional houses in Indonesia and its relationship with location is still very limited. This paper aims to provide an overview of passive cooling in traditional houses in Indonesia and its relationship with location based on peer-reviewed international scientific literature using a systematic literature review. The results reveal that most of the studies still do not optimally explore the passive cooling aspect of traditional houses. Few studies explicitly link passive cooling design to the location of the house. This research identifies several future research directions and offers several applications of passive cooling of traditional houses in modern designs.


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