The bonding modes and optical characteristics of annealed silicon oxide thin films prepared by plasma enhanced CVD

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K.H. Tan
MR. Muhamad


Silicon oxide (SiO , 0 < x < 2) thin films have been prepared by the plasma enhanced CVD of gaseous silane and nitrous oxide (flow rate ratio 2/1) onto quartz and silicon wafer substrates at 2500C. The samples were then annealed in ambient oxygen at 100 to 6000C at intervals of 100 degrees. The Si-O-Si bending and stretching, Si-H stretching and Si-OH stretching modes were identified from the infrared spectra. The annealing process resulted in an excess of tetrahedral Si04 units and the generation of dangling bonds.


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How to Cite
Tan, K., & Muhamad, M. (2017). The bonding modes and optical characteristics of annealed silicon oxide thin films prepared by plasma enhanced CVD. Malaysian Journal of Science, 16(2), 13–16. Retrieved from
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