How do Primary School Students Acquire the Skill of Making Hypothesis

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Faridah Binti Darus
Rohaida Mohd Saat


Science education in Malaysia emphasizes three components: namely knowledge,
scientific skills which include science process skills, and manipulative skills, and
scientific attitudes and noble values. The science process skills are important in
enhancing students’ cognitive development and also to facilitate students’ active
participation during the teaching and learning process. This study is aimed at
identifying the acquisition of the skill of formulating hypothesis among primary
school students. It was conducted based on the theory of neo-Piagetian Cognitive
Development and was investigated using generic qualitative research method.
Three data collection techniques were used comprising observation, interviews
and document analysis. Two tasks were developed and given to students as a
stimulus during interviews: which are "Acquisition -Skill Stimulus" (RPK) and
"Compilations of Experiment related Questions" (HiSET). Six primary school
students were selected as participants based on purposive sampling. Based on
the data analysis, four major categories emerged, namely: (a) the concept of
hypothesis, (b) identification of the effect of variable, (c) the relationship
between variables, and (d) testing of hypothesis. Initial findings illustrated that
the mastery level of hypothesis formulation in three participants was very low,
while the mastery level in the others was noticeably low.


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