The Effects Of The Parenting Styles On Social Skills Of Children Aged 5-6

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Suat KOL


The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of the parenting styles on social skills
of children aged 5‐6. The problem sentence of the research is; Do the parenting styles’ have
any effects on social skills of children aged 5‐6?. The sub‐problems of the research are in
the form as; Does the social skills of children aged 5‐6 differs from according to the
parenting styles such as democratic, oppressive‐authoritarian, unconcerned‐indifferent
and over protective? In thisresearch, the relationalscreening model was used that is a kind
of a screening model. In the research with a study group that is consisted of 231 children
and their parents, Parental Attitude Determination Survey and Social Skills Evaluation Scale
(4‐6 year olds) were used as a data collection tool. As a result of the research it is revealed
that the democratic parental styles affects the social skills of the child positively and
significantly, whereas the over protective parental styles affects negatively and
significantly. Even though the over protective and oppressive‐authoritarian parental styles
affect in a negative manner, no significant difference was found.


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